Saturday, January 27, 2007

WK2 - Let's aggregate RSS Feeds with Python!

Hey, did you have a feeling with the power of RSS as i made you known. Do you want to add a function in your homepage that aggregates your friends' blog updatings.

There is a way using Python. Let me tell you something that i know.

First download Python 2.5 here, and second we parse the RSS feeds in Python with Mark Pilgrim's Universal Feed Parser (latest version 4.1) from here. If you don't know anything about Python, you can have tutorial from Python's website (refer to their documentation) and also you can refer to the documentation of the RSS parser. With the powerful module, i hope you can fulfill your dream someday. Since i am still digging into the Python, if you are interested in this topic, join me with the CGI project and make our homepage look more professional!

See you then. I hope the implementation comes out next week.


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